Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Why is it so hard to talk about religion? Why are there so many people who get offended if you have an opinion other than theirs? And why are so many people so close-minded?

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are the restored church of Christ on the earth, not a reformed church. We have all the power and authority that Christ had and gave to His apostles and prophets throughout the ages. We have the authority to seal families together forever as eternal units. We have the authority to act in God's name, to heal the sick, to perform miracles, THE CHURCH IS RESTORED IN IT'S FULNESS!!! And because of that my life is so blessed, so full of joy, so amazing. I want everyone to experience the joy that I do, to know as I do how our Father in heaven knows each of us personally and hears and answers our prayers. I love this gospel and I am so thankful to be alive on the earth at this time. I am so grateful to know that I am a daughter of God and I am important to Him. He is always there for us, always. We are the ones who move closer to or further from Him. I am so thankful for the guidance I have received and do receive from the Holy Ghost, and through the scriptures. I have been so blessed and I love this adventure of living life as a member of this church. It's AWESOME! So, why do I have trouble sharing it? And why do others have such a hard time hearing it?

1 comment:

  1. Amber,

    SOOOOO well said!! Love it. I love your testimony and I too, wish everyone would just accept it. Unfortunately we live in a world with conflicting views and we all know that Satan is at work at all times! However, you are an incredible missionary and are definitely doing more than your part. I love you lots.
