Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Temple

Andrew and I had the opportunity to attend the Temple yesterday evening. I was feeling a little sick to my stomach, but decided to go anyway. I'd rather be feeling a little sick at the Temple than at home. On the way I fell asleep for a bit. As we arrived and I awoke and realized I was feeling very sick. Much worse than before we left. As we pulled in I looked at the beautiful Temple and prayed that I would be well enough to enter and learn what I needed to learn that evening. As I was praying I felt impressed to ask for a blessing. I turned to Andrew and told him how I was feeling and he suggested we just return home. But I asked him for a blessing, feeling confident it would help. As he blessed me I felt better immediately. We went in to the Temple and I learned a lot while we were there. I know the Lord knows me and knew how I was feeling. I know He wanted to bless me and wanted me in His house. It was a great experience and a testimony builder for sure.

One of the things that stood out to me in the Temple was how often the word "joy" is said. This really is a gospel of joy. No matter what happens in my life I know I have a Father in heaven who knows and loves me. There is a plan for me and my life has a purpose. I know where I am going after this life and why I am here. God's plan for us is simple and perfect and He wants us to be filled with joy as we live it. I love the gospel and what it does for me every day. I think more people need this joy in their lives!