Sunday, October 30, 2011

Companionship Inventory

When I was a missionary we did companionship inventory every week. It was a time to plan together with my companion. It was also a time to share testimony of the Savior, share what things I liked about my companion and give advice as to how she could improve. After 6 years of marriage my husband and I finally decided this was not only a good idea but a necessary tool to keep our marriage healthy in a world where the family is under attack.

Andrew had never done comp. inventory on his mission so he was a little hesitant at first. But he came around and we make time for inventory every Sunday. We plan our week, then we discuss any "business", typically financial issues, then we say what we appreciate about each other, talk about areas we could improve (if any), and share testimony. It has been great. And just recently we decided that since we do not have time for companionship study every day, comp. inventory is the time for us to choose a topic to study during the week and then the next comp. inventory we discuss what we learned and choose a new topic. I think Andrew and I had a good relationship anyhow, we're both big on communication, but this consistent planning and all other parts of comp. inventory have strengthened our relationship more than I ever thought possible. It's really been a blessing. Life gets so busy and it's easy to live this kind of parallel life where you're just passing each other by. But inventory is the time to stop, focus on our relationship, and build each other up. We focus on new goals together and we are accountable to each other for our study and progression. It's great to have a partner to work with in striving to reach eternal life. It's really an important tool for couples to use whether or not the religious aspect is involved.

A word of caution though, when suggesting areas for a spouse to improve choose just one thing and think before you speak. Be kind and humble, both parties have to decide ahead of time to be teachable. And one more thing, don't do it last minute right before bed when you're tired and not really logical. It gets kind of silly sometimes in the pointless, "Why did I even bring this up?" kind of way.

I love the gospel and I'm so thankful the Lord had provided us with the proper tools so that we will have success in all that we do. Companionship inventory is just one piece of the puzzle. For more puzzle pieces check out The gospel is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! :) It's always great to know what couples who have been together longer have seen as strengths to their relationships. It makes it easier to have those habits established in the future when we know we'll need it when we start to make the habit now.
    Jordan and I had our first comp inventory today! We definitely need to work on it... Apparently, his comp inventories on the mission only lasted about 2 minutes.
    ANYWAYS, I'm excited that you shared this puzzle piece to strength on your blog. :)

    Love you!
